At Al-Rashed International Shipping Co. we understand the necessity of smooth customs clearance for our customers. Our customs experts understand both local rules and regulations, and the challenges of global business. We use this knowledge to tailor individual solutions that can help customers make well-informed decisions, reduce lead time, optimize cash flow and keep cost to a minimum.
Our services and operations are supported by our detailed knowledge of local regulations and practices, which are focused on minimizing costs and optimizing resources. We are committed to quality service that is cost effective and available to our customers in real time.
We have in-depth knowledge of clearance regulations and procedures. The import customs clearance service and export customs clearance service we offer include:
- Customs Documentation
- Carting / Receiving Goods
- Examination of Shipment
- Handling of stuffing and de-stuffing at ports and customer warehouse
We are one of the most preferred logistics service providers engaged in offering different types of custom clearance activities. Our services are highly sought after and we believe that the primary factors that have helped us score over our competitors are:
- In-depth knowledge of custom tariff, acts & procedures
- Ethical business values
- Strong logistics support
- Reliable, flexible & transparent services
- Cost-effective and on time performance
- Customer focused, professional approach